Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Honesty Please

To enter, or not to enter? That is the question....

Here in good 'ol PG Strawberry days is just around the corner. AND there is a baby contest. Now, I'm pretty partial....I think my kids are dang cute!

Do I enter?
Have any of you entered one before?
Is it terrible?
Not worth it?

I'm just trying to decide what to do. Will I get my feelings hurt? I just don't know. So, any thoughts on the matter would be great.


Hilary said...

I totally think your girls have a chance of winning. They are very adorable. I've never been brave enough to do it myself. Of course I think my kids are beautiful and adorable, but IF they didn't win anything, I would feel bad. So, I just don't enter. Maybe that's bad. I think as long as you are prepared for if they don't win, then go for it. I also think you have to be open to dropping out of the competition if your kids aren't enjoying it. Anyway, that's my honest opinion. Good luck, whatever you choose!

Seth and Karen said...

It's all about the kids. If they seem to like it, why not, if they hate it just drop out. I've never entered my kids into anything like that, so I don't know what to tell you, but it can't hurt. I don't think your feelings will get hurt because your kids ARE cute and you will always see them that way and that's all that matters!

Visitor said...

I definitely think they both have a chance of winning, but if they don't win, I will still love them to death and think they are the cutest girls ever!
The only downside to winning is that you will have to ride in the back of a truck in the parade...I guess that could be fun!
I say do it!

Love, Nonie :)

Melissa said...

I am totally not the person to ask, but Rachelle has entered her girls and has loved it. I haven't ever participated. I think if you want to you should. Your girls are so darling. I would vote for them :).

Diana and Fam said...

I say go for it! They have different age groups and they normally narrow it down to finalist and then only have the finalist come it to be "judged". If you win you normally get some killer stuff. Your kids are adorable!

Joy said...

I say go for it!

Katy said...

I have no experience with baby contests. It seems like they're young and innocent enough that it wouldn't really affect their lives at all. But, what if one of your kids wins and then the others don't? There will be photos and they might feel inferior or superior to their siblings for the rest of their lives.

On the other hand, free stuff.

I'm just sayin' I don't know what my opinion is but good luck. Your kids are cute.

Brenda said...

That sounds really fun, I think you should, you never know until you try! But if you do find out anything you should let me know, Kim was thinking the other day of entering Maddie in it too and couldn't find any information! Let me know, Good luck if you decide to do it! ;)

r said...

I entered Hazel once (and, seriously, she was/is the prettiest baby ever ;) ) and when she didn't win, I decided that the judges just pick their, I'm not bitter or anything... But it couldn't hurt :)

Ashlee said...

I entered James in the Strawberry Days baby contest and he won first place in his age group! It helped that he was a sweet little 2 week old... no one else had a chance against such a little one! I thought it was fun and I was actually surprised that they picked him. We got a $25 gift card so we got more than we paid into it. I do have to say that there were TONS more kids entering in the older categories so it's harder. I say go for it. You know your girls are cute and that's really what matters...right?