Monday, February 15, 2010

But Not Today

Some days are so hard. Some days I don't want to get out of bed. Some days I wish I was working or doing something better with my time. But not today....

Every morning I blog hop. It's fun to see what others have posted. I love seeing how their lives are going. Sometimes wishing I was in their shoes. But not today....

My friend Ruth posted links to two different blogs. One is about a family who didn't loose their baby, and the Other is about a family who did. I've been sitting here reading...crying...watching my girls...and being grateful for the life I have.

Jason is my strength, support, and my best friend. He keeps me grounded. Pushes me and helps me be a better person. Jordyn makes me laugh. Her little words lift me when I'm down and keep me going everyday. Tessa is my sweetheart. She loves deeply and purely. She finds joy in small baby steps. Her kisses keep me warm.

I would be lost without my family. I'm grateful they are mine, not just now...but FOREVER!

1 comment:

Katy said...

Thanks for blogging today this was touching and a nice reminder.