Friday we headed up to Rexburg. The drive was LONG! It's been awhile since we took a trip in the car and the girls were out of practice. Even with lots of treats and movie we still had to stop ever hour or so. Plus, the weather was yucky...
Jordyn was so excited to see Nonie and to "go to college." She kept asking the entire ride up when we would get to see Nonie and when would we be to Nonie's house. Here she is at the graduation, waiting for Nonie...
Tessa did most of her waiting with the twins. Here she is with _______. She loves MiMi (Camie) and WaLa (Janae).
Gammy made the girls leis. This picture makes me sad because they look so old. ((STOP GROWING UP!!))
And here we all are with the Graduate. New rule: Only one camera may be taking pictures at a time. Apparently we're looking at three cameras in this shot. And Tessa looks ever so happy to be there.
After two super fun nights we left Sunday afternoon. The girls had fun staying in our "new house" and swimming in the pool. I enjoyed going to bed Saturday night at 8:00 while Jason took care of the girls. Jason enjoyed his mini break from tax season. On the way home we stopped in Idaho Falls to see the falls at the temple. It was very cold!

Congrats Nonie!
You've worked so hard and we are so proud of you!!