Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Say Cheese!
Well, Jason didn't take me to the "Monster Truck Show"...and boy am I glad that he didn't. I had asked Jason to surprise me. I like to be surprised. This morning he gave me a card with a gift certificate to get a pedicure and a set of nails. He bought donuts for breakfast and got the girls little gifts too. This afternoon he surprised me with a huge bouquet of flowers. THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL! (His mom helped...Thanks Norah!) Tonight he told me that we were going to a show and to dress up a little, but not a lot. We went to the "Valentine's Variety Show". It was with Daniel Beck and Jesse Clark Funk. Jason knew that I liked Jesse Funk a lot so that was a great surprise to me. It was a great show! Then we went to Red Lobster for dinner. They have the best coconut ship ever. I am stuffed!

Nonie, Camie, and Janae watched the girls for us. It was nice to have a break for the night, especially when you have good baby sitters that you trust. Jordyn loves playing with the girls. The other day when the twins were over Jordyn cried and cried when they had to leave...I think you could say that she's attached.

So, thanks Jas, for the wonderful night out. I had a great time! You spoiled me rotten today and I'm not sure that I deserved it. You're amazing!!!

On that note, I thought I'd make a list of all my loves.

Jason, Jordyn and Tessa
My family and Jason's
Sugar cookies from Smart Cookie
The smell in the air right after it rains
Good music
Movies on the couch with Jason
Playing animal sounds with Jordyn
Watching Jordyn play with my Dad
Sleeping in
Clean sheets
Eating out
Late visits at the Hunter house
Flowers, especially Daisies
Happy Endings
Hanging out with my Mom
Reading great books
Being a mom
Listening to Jordyn talk to herself
Tessa's smile
Hearing my babies cry for the first time
Sunday dinners with family
My Dad's exaggerated stories
A clean house
Catching up with old friends
Making Jason laugh
Taking a hot bath
The Gospel and the peace it offers

I'm sure there are many more things I should add. I'm a very blessed person. I have a great family, lots of support, and the chance to grow and change everyday.

My Beautiful Flowers
Giving Tessa a Kiss


Katy said...

Whoa! Good job Jason! Maybe he could give Randy tips! ; ) What a sweet holiday.

Kirsten said...

What cute little girls! Congrats on Tessa! I love her full head of hair.