Thursday, December 31, 2009


Dear Tessa.

You had a birthday shout hurray! You're one now. I can hardly believe it. Time flies too fast. I hope you know how much we love you. You're little smile brightens our lives. You teach us love and patience. You love watching your big sister and you always try to do everything she does. You're a major daddy's girl. When Daddy comes home you quickly put your arms in the air asking him to hold you. You can tell us what the cow says, say Ah-Oo, call for Mama when you want out of bed, say Dada, and ask for "more".

You're a beautiful little girl! Happy Birthday Baby!

Love, Mommy.

P.S. We will be having a party for you in a couple weeks. You know, after Christmas is a memory and you can understand that it's your day. (What am I talking about! Jordyn will want all of your presents and you will only be covered in cake.)

(Thanks Leslie for these cute clothes!)


Hilary said...

Happy Birthday Tessa! I am always amazed at that head of hair. She sure is a doll. I hope she has a great birthday.

Carolina said...

feliz cumple para Tessa! esta hermosa!!!