Friday night the girls and I went to IHOP with my sister Jaymie. It was lots of fun. I really needed to get out. The girls had so much fun. Especially when the balloon lady came by.
After IHOP we went home and I cleaned my house. The girls fell asleep watching Dora.
On Saturday night Jason took the girls and I on a date. For dinner we went to Wingers. In case you missed my story on facebook, dinner went like this:
Jordyn: "What is this place called?"
Jason: "Wingers."
Jordyn: "Oh. You're a boy and you have a winger...And Heber has a winger too."
Seriously. That's how it happened. No Joke!
After dinner we went to Color Me Mine. It was so much fun. The girls loved it.
This is what I got when I said, "Come on Jord. Give me a real smile."
After painting we went to Cold Stone at the University Mall. As soon as we left I remembered I was going to take pictures. Oops. Jordyn had strawberry with marshmallows and Tessa had cotton candy with something, sprinkles maybe.
Then, for the other important stuff....This handsome man is sick. Houston is in the hospital in Provo with RSV. We are so worried about him. So, all you blog readers out there, prayers for Houston. He needs them. His Mom and Dad need them.
And while Houston has been away we've had a house guest. Heber has been sleeping over. He loves Jordyn. He sorta loves me. He kinda likes Tessa. And I'm not quite sure what he thinks about Jason yet.
Poor Houston! We will pray for him.
I'll never see Winger's the same way again. Thanks for that! :D
I thinks its clever. Thats what Im going to tell AnDee its called. Little boys have wingers. hehe. Im getting the impression that Houston is doing a little better? I sure hope so.
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